He will help me with all the housechores that he know ...
He will guide No 1 with his reading exercise..
He will sit with me and talk about anything involve with our life...
He will eat my cooking no matter how awfull the taste is...
Now,it almost 11 am... only untill 2.30, we will spend our time together
Coz he will be going back to work...
Only another 4 more days, that he will be with me again...
But... it's not saturday nor sunday ...
He will be back, while i have to go to work...

I really love this Saturday...
Coz I love him so much...
Hope it will never end...
asalamualaikum tuan umah... heheh.. mai datang nak bgtau pasal coklat filling yg awak tanye kat dapo kite tuh... ekceli kalao blh simpanla filling tu dalam ice box, bile da simpan dlm ice box tu die x keras, tapi agak likat la sket dari yg suhu bilik.. so kalau nak gune utk spread kat roti ke ape, biar jap dlm suhu bilik dlm 1/2 jam ker pastu da blh sapu dah.. :) hope membantu
@noorsha, time kasih sebab dtg sini bagitau pasal filling tu... susah susah aje :) ... nanti boleh try untuk roti inti cekelat hehehe
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